Somali Region has no interest in reunification

Abdulazez Al-MotairiMay 02, 2011 After failure of 1960 unity (Somaliland gained its first independence on 26th June 1960 from Britain and united four day later with Italian Somalia on 1st July 1960. Again after decades of armed struggle with “Somalia” it restored its sovereignty on 18th May 1991), the reunification based on language, religion and culture is not at the interest of the region and will lead further bloodshed. “Somalia” adopts territory expansion policy to bring Somali speakers under one government – “Somalia”. This policy led Mogadishu regime to invade Ethiopia in 1977 and diplomatic chaos with Kenya.

Somali speakers inhabit Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somaliland and Kenya, which makes these countries its targeted subject. The policy targets Somali dominated areas at any cost, including violation of sovereign countries.
The famous war between “Somalia” and Ethiopia in 1977 was result of the policy, where “Somalia” invaded parts of Ethiopia. Many high-ranking officials in Transitional Government of “Somalia” (TGS) and leaders of Al-Shabab terrorist group expressed their desire of adopting the policy again. Majority of the Italian Somalis believe in the policy, but can´t say as they are vulnerable. Somalians defy Somaliland because it puts the policy to end.
The corrupted principle behind 1960 unity to craft a power that can bring Somali speakers under “Somalia” government, even if use of force is necessary. This is wrong approach because language, religion and culture don´t unite people. The Somalians failed to solve their differences in last 20 years even though they share all the three abovementioned aspects.
In other hand, Somaliland, after withdrew from unity in 1991, achieved stability, democracy and modern state. The figures in Somaliland show development that is six times higher than the progress made during the unity with Italian Somalia. The education, infrastructure, good governance, human rights, freedom of expression and security improved extensively. Somaliland earned international praise over the progress without outside help.
Djibouti is another successful story, after it rejected to unite with “Somalia” because according to the policy Djibouti with Somali speakers supposed to be part of united “Somalia”. It was 1977 when Djibouti gained independence, and Somalilanders warned it over the unity. Djibouti utilized the horrific experience of Somaliland with the unity and stayed away from the policy. This angered Mogadishu regime who threatened Djibouti.
Djibouti leadership extended the stay of French forces, in order to minimize of possible invasion by Mogadishu regime. Knowing, Djibouti is tiny country with population less than one million, and will be challenging to confront “Somalia”.
After reemerge of Somaliland in 1991, Djibouti is enjoying peaceful border with Somaliland unlike Kenya and Ethiopia. The border guards of these two countries are confronting Somali militia on daily bases and weapons smuggled into their countries. Today, the weapons smuggled from “Somalia” are on sale in Nairobi including semi-automatic guns.
In other hand, Somaliland and Djibouti custom authorities are cooperating together and exchange information.
Somaliland – a victim of Nile Water Policy
Egypt and Sudan want united “Somalia” due to Nile Water Policy. Cairo is using “Somalia” as the destabilizing factor in the region particularly against countries that share Nile water like Ethiopia. Cairo knows international recognition for Somaliland will be end of united “Somalia” and strongly opposes. Egypt supported “Somalia” to join the Arab League in 1975, with little eligibility.
Cairo designed “Somalia” to keep Ethiopia busy in war and latter will not have time to consider any form of water development projects like building dams, particularly after Nile Water Agreement in (1929-2010) ended. The agreement signed between Egypt and European colonizers, which give Egypt 70% of water consumption. The remaining 30% is divided between the remaining nine African countries that the river passes their countries. The regime in Khartoum is Egypt´s henchman!!!
In other hand, the creation of new government in southern Sudan increases the number of shareholders. The government in Juba supports fair distribution of the water share between all stakeholders.
In my conclusion, Somaliland is victim of this Water Nile Policy and African Union (AU) failed to understand Egypt´s hidden agenda against Somaliland. AU invited Somaliland as observer in one of its recent annual conferences, however, it was cancelled after Egypt and Sudan conditioned their presence on extradition of Somaliland. AU excused Somaliland to bring the big boys on the table instead of unknown one – this is the AU´s justice and policies.
By Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi
Picture: Late Somaliland Prime Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Egal with Egypt President Gamal Abdul Nasser in 1960 at Cairo and before Somaliland united with Italian Somalia.