Have we learned any thing from the black box of the Crashed Somali State under Siyad Barre?

Ibrahim Mead

Ottawa, Canada

One can not understand what is right, unless he understands what is wrong.

One must understand his opponents as much as he may understand his supporters.


When we hear “crash” airplanes or stock market comes to our mind. States also crash. Somali Republic and Somalia are the vivid example in this case.

The root causes of the tragic crash of the Somali Republic under Siyad Barre’s administration were “Guulwade and Guulwadeen.” That was what was wrong and that is what is wrong with Siilanyo’s administration who took similar path as that of Dictator Siyad Barre who crashed Somali State!


It is not only whether you have read the contents of the black box or not, it is whether you understood the root causes of that catastrophic crash which killed Somali Republic which consisted of Somaliland and Somalia, in a union state. It is whether we learned any thing from it to avoid such crash.


If you are one of those who did not read and did not understand it well, then you must be one of those who work for Mr. Siilanyo’s administration. If you really understood what the black box of the tragic crash of Siyad Barre’s regime contained then you agree that it was the creation and the actions of “Guulwadeen and Guulwadi” then you must alien your self with the common sense and with the “Madasha Wadatashiga” to save and salvage Somaliland. There is no third way here. Simply put, it is doing the Consultation and Corrections to salvage and advance Somaliland affairs or sit back, then die with your own making death!


1-What is “Guulwadi?”

Guulwadi is a folly and immoral person or persons, whose tools are deceit, deception. They frequently employ the dirty phrases likecidnalomajujinayu!That means, we don’t want to listen and we don’t care what the people say! This phrase is used by idiots and dictators and the Guulwadayaal as well. This phrase ought to be out of our lexicon if we want to be a decent people with a purpose. Guulwade instigates provocations and does every thing to satisfy a Boss who wants to be told only what he wants to hear and with flavor. Remember they told Siyad and he believed it, that Borao and Hargeisa were playing foot ball march when in fact Borao was out of his hands. It was under the hands of SNM at the time!

Guulwade starts his job as a servant of his Boss, but in due course the Guulwade possess the Boss and they switch positions where by the Giilwade becomes the Boss and the Boss becomes an unrecognized victim and a servant of his former servant!


Guulwade’s behavior conforms what this “Ayah” is telling us. “And if they see the way of right conduct, they will not conduct; they will not adopt it as the way; but it they see the way of error that is the way they adopt.” (Al acraaf) The eyes and the brains of the “Guulwade” are in their stomach, not in their head and on their fore head! They are tools used by evil doers like dictators and the oligarchy governments. The said “Guulwadeyaal” are active in Somaliland; call them ministers or by any other name!


Poor ‘Yamarug’, I knew him before he became “Guulwade” for a living.  He is the Governor of Gabiley. He said it all: when a Gabiley Net News reporter asked him why and under what legal pretext Jamal and Fatumo Saeed were blocked to go to Gabiley which is their constituency? The Governor said unashamedly, “they did not obtain a permit!! (warqadeedhaqdaqhaaqa) to go to Gabiley!”  Who could they ask a permit to go to their home, or to any other region for this matter?! Doesn’t this smell Afwane’s rule by another name, even meaner for we did not expect such thing could happen to some of us     


2- What is “Guulwadeen?” it is the practice of “Monkar”-evil doings

Mr. Siilanyo seems that he either never read or never comprehended what the black box of the Somali state tragic crash contained or does not care about it or understood it different then the way most of us did,  or he really mean what he is doing, I don’t know!

In the last years of the demise of Siyad Barre’s regime every body became “Guulwade” every Minister and official played “Guulwade” particularly the Ministers and advisors.

“Guulwade and Guulwadeen” were the root causes of the demise and destruction of the Somali state.

Unfortunately Mr. Siilanyo chose to adopt the “Guulwade and Guulwadeen which were the main causes of the Crash of the Somali state consciously or otherwise! He seems enjoying it for now. He seems that he is in a journey to crash Somaliland Republic as Siyad Barre did with the Somali Republic with out understanding that he is on that journey! The surrounding Guulwadayaal will never tell him the truth.


I wrote an article under the title “A cloud of suspicion over the intention of Siilanyo”after three Months of his rule Now that cloud is pouring rain which separates clans and communities instead of uniting them! Somaliland is divided and de-railed.

Many people believe that the President has lost legitimacy particularly after his administration rigged the Municipal elections in late 2012. And before that when he betrayed his party men and women, when he threw away the party manifesto and the political programs and replaced them with a hidden and secret dark policy. His honesty and ability were questioned later. When his government behaved like “qaaducaldreeq” banned personalities and political parties from Hargeisa International Airport and later Gabiley region with out consulting the constitution and the people of Hargeisa and the people of Gabiley.

Such travesty of the law of the land and many other deceptive ones can be detrimental to the unity and the existence of Somaliland.

Common endeavor is the reason Somaliland exists but Mr. Siilanyo changed that and instead created an oligarchy entity. He changed the government for the people and instead created Siilanyo and group Inc, or others did it for him with out his knowledge!


Early on when SNM liberated Somaliland they realized that the only way to move forward was forgiveness, justice, tolerance, unity and inclusivity for all of us.

Siilanyo’s policies and practices are unraveling these achievements which made Somaliland different from Somalia in many aspects particularly peace and stability.

If Siilanyo’s administration does not change the way they govern, then it is more likely that Somaliland and Somalia switch positions and situations sooner than you think!!


An old friend of mine from Borama said to me the other day that “Siilanyo’s administration pushed us to fight with each other but we chose not to do that notwithstanding!” The friend was talking about the fraudulent 2012 Municipal elections. Another friend who was with us said to him, “You were not alone in this evilly!”

When a government acts this way, instigating clan wars, it is troubling indeed.

Mr. Siilanyo’s oligarchy administration spends a lot of money by employing a lot of “Guulwadayaal” not only against the moral people and independent media by also against Allah’s advice to his servants-the Muslim community here; and that is Consultation among them selves to advance their affairs. “Wa,amrukum Shuuraa beenakum”


When Nelson Mandela was asked how he managed to forgive and forget those who tortured him, demeaned him and his people and put him in jail for 27 years, he said,” You can not be free and effective in a public service unless you free your self from hate, anger and revenge.”

As what we have seen from Siilanyo’s government behavior one can conclude that the government is not free from hate, anger and revenge against their own people according to their actions and reactions.

Let us take an example of how they blockaded Gabiley from some of her people who happened to be the UCID leadership. [The author is not a member of UCID neither WADANI nor KULMIY which is-a crime scene and an example of Betrayal]


Gabiley is the constituency of Jamal and Fatumu Said yet they were denied to enter their community! In reprisal to that ill-thought action, expect a similar idiotic reaction which may in due course happen to equalize the idiotic action the government did. That means some idiots with like minds of those who stopped the UCID leadership my block the “Y” People to access their region, even when they have a right to access there, moreover “Y” people may do similar thing in retaliation when it comes to their region, and then what!?.

In the Somali culture punishing an innocent person or persons by association of one who committed a crime from another community is prevalent; and that is what the Siilanyo administration missed when they were doing these blockades and similar acts.


The “Trio” rendered the institution of government dysfunctional

The behavior of the trio- Suliman, Siilanyo and Ero do not reflect our values and who we are as Somalilanders and the purpose Somaliland was founded. They failed us. None of them paid a penny for the liberation of Somaliland, none of their children had participated the struggle and the reestablishment of to day’s Somaliland yet they are reaping the fruits others sacrificed for; and not only that, they virtually rendered the institutions of the government ineffective and useless.
Consultation, Cooperation and Common ground are our values. Live-and-let live is our values, but the trio seemed scared of these values. Where are they from, you may wonder?

If they are worth of our criticism, they could be worth of our praise and appreciations if they change what is in their selves, and if they work for the nation honestly.

I don’t know if they appreciate and recognize that they are the recipients of the fruits of the scarifies of our martyrs and mujahedeen who lost their lives for liberating the people and the country of Somaliland, and those who are living but not getting the recognition and respect they deserve! That was Allah’s gifts, so those who misuse Allah’s gifts are ungrateful to Him. Satan is to his Lord ungrateful, and then they are in tone with each other.


Have we learned any thing from the black box of the crashed Somali Republic?

The answer to this question is simply NO!! As a matter of fact we are practicing what we have rejected and fought against then!

Oh, Lord we have sinned; Somaliland has sinned. For give us Lord

“There is no more than thy trial. Thou causest whom thou wilt astray

And thou leadest whom thou wilt in to the right path, thou are our protector so forgive us and give Somaliland thy mercy, for thou art the best of those who forgive, ordain for Somaliland that which is good for her, for we have turned unto thee.”



Peace and prayers

Ibrahim M Mead