Police closes Hubaal newspaper office in Hargeisa

Hargeisa (JMG)-  Two reporters were arrested and the office of HUBAAL Newspaper was closed after the Rapid Re-enforcement Unit (RRU) carried an operation late yesterday afternoon.

According to eye witnesses who were inside the office when the operation was carried, the police arrived in a number of cars, told those present that they had a search warrant, asked them to put off their mobiles, collected the mobiles and searched the offices for 45 minutes.

The eye witnesses said that the police didn’t show them the warrants; but at the end of the search arrested 2 junior reporters who were in the office, returned the mobiles to the owners and have never taken anything from the office.

“They told us to leave the office, locked the doors and left with Osman Ahmed Osman and Mustafa Mohamed Abdillahi whom they arrested “said one of the eye witnesses.

Chairman of HUBAAL Newspaer Mohamed Ahmed Jama told The Republican that he was not in the office but was told that the police had search warrant.

In answer to why their office was locked he said that he didn’t know the reason for the search; but stated that it might be for items about the police that they have published in the last few days.

The police was not available for comment.

Sources, The Repuplican