Was it the hidden standing policy of Siilanyo’s administration or just a slip of the tongue?

To: the President of Somaliland

From: Somaliland Watch Group

P/N: 0098/04

 In 1960 Somaliland had won “the infamous nick name” Somali Qaldaan” which means the idiot Somalis who did wrong! A nickname well deserved after we delivered our Republic in a plate to Somalia with no conditions attached and sat back and started complaining thereafter!! Why that happened, bad leadership!?


Somaliland voted a Referendum in 1961 whether to unify with Somalia or not. In that Referendum they voted NO union with Somalia by about 70%. That was not acted upon, why that happened, bad leadership! Somaliland was there in an illegitimate marriage with Somalia ever since!


Again Somaliland voted for the withdrawal of the union from Somalia and the establishment of a sovereign Republic of Somaliland (a union which was not ratified and not signed by the President in 1960) In 2001 by 97% .Now Siilanyo government representative alluded that they are open to yet another Referendum to satisfy Somalia or other entities who ever the other entities are. Why it happened this way again, bad leadership!
Do we want to win another idiots prize as the one we won in 1960 again?! We wonder!


Somaliland Watch has received the unthoughtful statement from the head of Somaliland delegation to Turkey in which he entertained to hold yet another Referendum if Somalia and others request that with dismay and disbelieve! That was a gross violation of the self determination of the people of Somaliland who already voted for the withdrawal from the union with Somalia in a Referendum after Somalia had undertaken an ethnic cleansing operations against the people of Somaliland. That statement was cruel and hurtful, it was out of pace, it was devastating  to the emotions, wishes and aspirations of the survivors of Somalia’s ethnic cleansing as well as their rights of self determination. Siilanyo’s people there failed the people they represented and the cause they were to protect and fight for!


The Minister of foreign affairs of Somaliland seemed nullifying, ignoring and disrespecting the popular national Referendum of 2001 in an interview with the BBC, or was it the slip of the tongue? Who can tell the people of Somaliland that their expression of their self determination through a democratic process in a nation wide Referendum is not counted and is null and void?! No one or ones can tell us that unless we want to win the prize of “Somali Qaldaan” again!!

If we stand on our ground, we believe that no one has a right to override the rights of the people of Somaliland; therefore we believe that it is advisable that Mr. Siilanyo and the Minister involved in this issue must apologize to the people of Somaliland

Ibrahim Mead

Executive Director

Somaliland Watch Group

Ottawa, Canada