War Deg Deg Ah Diyaaradii Malaysia oo la tuhmay in Soomaaliya lagu haysto

Daka (berberanews) Wargeys la yidhaahdo Blitz oo kasoo baxa wadanka Bangladesh ayaa qoray war ku saabsan in diyaaradii laga lala aa dalka Malaysia ay suurto gal tahay inay soo qafaasheen koox Islaamiyiin ah loona  soo Afduubay dhanka Soomaaliya.


Wargeyska oo soo xiganaya xubno ka tirsan military,ga Malaysia oo aanu magacyadooda shaacin ayaa waxa uu sheegeen in la tuhunsanyahay in diyaaradda ay leedahay shirkadda Malaysia Airlines ay gashay gacan koox afduubayaal ah oo aaney  la kulmin wax shil ah.

Saraakiishaan ayaa wargeyska warkan daabacay  u sheegay in la tuhunsan yahay in in koox afduubatay ay soo qabadsiiyeen  dhanka Soomaaliya.

Wargeyskan la yidhaah Blitz ee kasoo baxa caasimada dalka Bangladesh waxaa uu ku waramayaa in rakaabka diyaaradda saaran iyo diyaaradaba ay ku jiraan gacanta koox Islaamiyiin suurta galna ay tahay in Soomaaliya lagu haysto sida wargeyskani daabacay.

Ma jirto war rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay dawlada Malaysia iyo dawladaha kale eek u hawlan baadi goobka diyaaradaan la la’yahay mudada 5,ta cisho ah hase ahaatee waa uu jiraa tuhunka in diyaayarada la afduubay

Diyaaraddan oo nooceedu yahay Boeing 777 oo ay la socdaan 239 ruux  ayaa la waayay saacad kadib markii ay ka duushay garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Kuala- Lampur ee caasimada wadanka Malaysia waxaana ugu war dambeysay xilli ay dul maraysay hawada wadanka Vietnam.

Halkan Ka AQRI


Missing Malaysian Airline passengers alive!

Most of the 239 passengers of Malaysian Airline’s flight number MH370 are believed to be alive but held hostaged somewhere within the Malacca Strait while some are suspecting the Boeing 777-200ER aircraft to have been hijacked by Islamist terrorist groups and might have been taken in Somalia. Malaysian authorities have previously said the aircraft disappeared about an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur for Chinese capital Beijing. Now Malaysian military believes the aircraft turned and flew hundred of kilometers to the west after it last made contact with civil air traffic control off the country’s east coast.

This would now appear to rule out sudden catastrophic mechanical failure meaning the plane flew around 500 km at least after its last contact with the air traffic control, although its tramps ponder and other tracking systems were off.

Weekly Blitz has been conducting independent research on the mysterious missing of the Malaysian Airline plane which had not been tracked for past few days. Aeronautical experts say it is possible to disappear any aircraft from every radar systems by using electronic warfare technology. They further say, the hijackers might have used this technology and the plane surely is somewhere under the control of it’s hijackers. Cell phones of some of the passengers of the plane were ringing although had not been responded. This proves that the aircraft has not crashed and the passengers might have been held hostage by some terrorists. They further opine the transponder of the aircraft might have been turned off making the plane inert to secondary radar so civil controllers cannot identify it.

Family members and friends of the MH330 flight are passing days and nights in extreme anxiety and nightmare since the plane went missing. Everyone now is awaiting miracle and return of all the passengers unhurt. Weekly Blitz editor Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, who now is serving 7-year’s rigorous imprisonment in a jail in Dhaka for promoting inter faith harmony, combating jihad and anti Semitism and supporting Israel has called upon everyone in the world irrespective of religious identities to continue prayer for the missing passengers of the Malaysian Airlines flight. He said, ‘at this difficult time, spiritually I stand hand by hand with the family members and friends of the passengers and hope God soon will give us the much awaited good news and the passengers will return to their families and friends unhurt
