Are the (trios) Somaliland leaders traitors or do they just suffer Self DDD!?

Ibrahim M Mead

Political analyst

Ottawa, Canada


Are the (the trios) President, the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the Guurt  

1-a psychological case, suffering Self-DDD

2- Or are they those the prophet of Allah said, “It will come a time that some Rulers who come after me who do not abide by my guidance and Sunnah will have Satan’s heart in a human’s body.”?

3- Or are they one of those an Arabian proverb sorted them as “those who knows not and knows not they knows not” for those the proverb said, they are fools and they have to be shunted out?

4- Or are they out right traitors!?

5- Or are they all of the above or none of the above!?

Bewildered, Concerned, and frustrated citizens are asking these questions in relation to what is happening and what is not happening in Somaliland to day!

The author doesn’t believe that they are traitors per se; however their actions, inactions and even reactions seems to some people that they are practicing treasonous acts whether they are consciously doing that or not!? More likely they are not conscious that what they did or doing amounts to treasons act!

Now let us deal with the psychological aspect of the leaders mentioned above and see what is wrong with them. The question begs that whether this psychological case of Self-DDD is what our leaders are suffering? Self-DDD is the short Form of ‘self-deception, self-delusion and self-denial’ 

Stanley Cohen’s book highlights that “States of Denial are equally as evident with nations as with individuals. People, organizations; governments or whole societies are presented with information that is too disturbing, threatening or anomalous to be fully absorbed or openly acknowledged, the information is therefore somehow repressed, disavowed, pushed aside or reinterpreted its implications. Cognitive, emotional or moral are evaded, neutralized or rationalized away. (p. 1) some people develop the capacity to switch off, turn a blind eye or fool themselves to such an extent that it limits their well-being and further growth.The base of self-DDD is two contradictory representations or knowings. One is what we know to be true. The other is a misleading representation. At a higher, more complex level, we fool ourselves, temporarily, into thinking that ‘what we know to be true’ is not true and the misleading representation is true a double delusion.”   
Our leaders either deceive the people or they deceive themselves. Deceiving our selves requires that we both know and not-know something! This apparent paradox is one of the keys to understanding how self-DDD functions. Therefore it seems that ‘self DDD’ is what our leaders (the trio) seem suffering.


One may wonder how is it possible for a highly intelligent person to have ‘undeniable’ evidence that the country is hanging on a thread and yet not taking any practical and helpful action to do anything about it and on the contrary vehemently rejects the advises and the views of those of us who see the problems and want to help, like the ‘Madasha Wadatashiga’, Somaliland watch Group and other civil society groups’!?

How did our leaders maintain the illusion that every thing is fine and dandy when a lot are dismally wrong? How did they not notice that (particularly) the government was fooling herself and the people year after year in the four years Somaliland was under the mercy of the merciless, immoral corruptors and clan minded morons who happened to be the government operatives? Clinging to such misleading beliefs that it is ‘all right’ when deep down it is ‘all wrong’. They sustain this wrong in the face of counter evidence that it is all wrong! This is what is called ‘self-deception, self-delusion and self-denial’.  They are in a state of both know, and not-know something!


Delusional deception  

“Self-deception rivets beliefs that are obtained and sustained in the face of strong counter-evidence and here is an example of self-deception. In spite of one having at his disposal evidence to the contrary, His beliefs, reacts to the need of preserving what works for him contrary to the facts and the truth there is!

Here is another example. In spite of a leader having at his disposal evidence which powerfully indicates that his administration is rotten and isolated and need a rescue, delusional practicing leader insist that this administration is fine despite what any body else is saying against this regime. Delusional leader’s belief protects them from the acknowledgement of the truth that their government is disintegrating and already failed, because that fact is painful for them to accept. They live in that delusional state of mind. It seems that is where President Siilanyo is right now.

“self-deception is due to the doxastic conflict between the false belief one acquires i.e. my administration is characterizes as a disintegrating one because I have many enemies who deny the fact that I did more than any body before me did” and the true belief one denies is that his administration is in fact rotten because he is not up to the job or because he is not in a good health or he is disconnected because of the corrupt, inexperienced and the ‘belly’ crew he assembled and trusted

When we deceive, delude or deny to our self, we mislead our self, we misrepresent or disown what we know to be true, we lie to our self, we refuse to acknowledge that which we know. In Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Daniel Goleman notes that “we do not see what it is that we do not see, because the mind can protect itself against anxiety by diminishing awareness. This mechanism Daniel says produces a blind spot: a zone of blocked attention and self-deception. Such blind spots occur at each major level of behavior from the psychological to the social.” We see this happening in Somaliland. We see our leaders are in a self deception. Psychological blind spots create a not-knowing about something. However, in order for a system to recognize what to avoid, deny or mislead, it has to maintain knowledge of what to avoid what it knows to be true. In other words, deceiving our self requires that we both know and not-know something. This apparent paradox is one of the keys to understanding how self-DDD operates. This is evident in Somaliland leaders of to day!”


Conclusion:  What the (trio) leaders of Somaliland has done to Somaliland not only damaged the (three branches of government) government institutions, shamed and disgraced the dignity and the character of the people of Somaliland as well as the standing of the Republic of Somaliland in the regional and international arena, but it also stained our collective conscience for we are just watching helplessly and not acting to Rescue and Save and Salvage the dented Republic. To save her we have to address and confront and correct this national predicament before us collectively by way of uniting our forces and by consultation and corrections as we used to do, this is what the “Madasha” and Somaliland Watch Group were calling all along and they are calling it now.

My Allah helps our leaders to distinguish the wrong from the right and visa versa as to rescue our de-railed government.


However peace and prayers

Ibrahim M Mead