U.S. warship leaves drill area upon Iran’s warning

A U.S. warship has left the area where Iran is performing major military exercises following a warning issued by an Iranian naval patrol aircraft.
The patrol aircraft belonging to the Airborne Division of Iran’s Navy warned the vessel, along with warships from other extra-regional countries, to leave the area during a reconnaissance flight on Sunday.
The vessels left the area immediately after receiving the warning message.
Iran’s Army is currently performing major military drills code-named Mohammad Rasoulallah (Mohammad, the Messenger of God) in south of the country.
The fourth phase of the massive military drill began on Sunday.
Iran’s Navy chief, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, has said that a zone has been marked for firing missiles and torpedoes during the drills, calling on foreign forces to leave the area.
Under international regulations, those who refuse to leave the drilling zone will be held responsible for any consequences, Sayyari said.
In the fourth phase of the maneuvers, Iran’s naval forces will lay mines to prevent mock enemy from entering coastal areas. The mines will be cleared immediately to reconnect the lines between troops.
The Iranian Army’s F-4 Phantom fighter jets will also join in to support naval forces during the drills.
The Islamic Republic has frequently announced that its military power poses no threat to other countries, stating that its defense doctrine is based on deterrence.
(Source: Press TV)